Meet Checklist for Athletes
The Night Before The Meet
- Make sure your parents and family know about the meet and understand how important it is for you to be on-time and prepared to race.
- Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate.
- Eat a well balanced meal with carbohydrates and protein (ie: bread, pasta, rice, chicken, fish, veggies).
- Lay out your uniform and pack your track bag before you go to sleep. This will help if you end up rushing and you will not forget anything that you need. (The bag should include your racing spikes, key, extra clothes, water bottle).
- Check your spikes. (Tighten, replace, clean)
- Double check our team website or emails for the meet location, directions, arrival time, and other instructions. Make sure you can answer the following questions:
- Do I have to meet at the Pavilion Movie Theater for a ride share?
- What time do I have to arrive at the meet?
- Where is the meet?
- How am I getting to the meet? Who is taking me there?
- How long does it take to get there?
- Set your alarm clock. Ask for your own.
The Day Of The Meet
- Get up as soon as the alarm goes off or someone wakes you. You don’t want to rush.
- Hydrate
- Leave all jewelry and valuable electronics at home.
- Get dressed in your full team uniform, including tank top, shorts, t-shirt, sweats or wind suite. You are not allowed to wear regular clothes on race day.
- Eat a well balanced breakfast. Do not try new foods on race day. Eat what you love. Try to make sure you finish eating at least 2 hours before you are scheduled to run. If you are not racing for more than 3 hours, pack a lite snack.
- Check the weather report. Make sure you are dressed appropriately for a day at the meet (ie: tights, bodytop). If rain is predicted, pack extra socks and t-shirt. Pack a plastic bag for your wet clothes.
- Leave valuable items (jewelry, electronics ) at home. Bring a book for the ride or waiting time.
- Pack food if a long day is planned.
On The Way To The Meet
- If you are taking public transportation, remember that weekend schedules are often different than weekdays.
- Find a seat, relax, and save energy.
- ALWAYS remember that you are representing your team. Leave a positive impression in public.
- Talk to the people you are traveling with.
- Listen to music.
- Get excited.
At The Meet
- Find your team as soon as you arrive at the competition site.
- Check in with a coach.
- Find out if you missed anything.
- Listen for instructions and pay attention during the team meeting.
- Are you wearing a number for the race?
- What time is your race scheduled to start?
- What time should you warm up?
- What other team members are in your event or on your relay?
- Where do you check in for the race?
- Where is the starting line?
- Where is the finish line?
- What events are you doing?
- Distance
- Age group
- Find out where the bathroom is in case you need to use it in an emergency. Use it before you warm up. If you have to use the bathroom during the warm up or right before your race, tell your teammates or a coach.
- Follow the full warm up routine (same as practice), including:
- Jogging (8-10 minutes)
- Stretching
- Strides
- More Stretching
- Final 5-10 minutes before your race, keep moving by doing a stride, 10 jumping jacks, or a few jumps every minute or so. This will keep you warm and loose.
- Change into your racing spikes 10 minutes before you are called to the line.
- Double check to make sure your racing number is secured to your tank top.
- Stay close to your teammates before the start.
- Give everyone hi-fives, think and say positive things, like “Let’s go! We are ready!”
- Take off all sweats and extra clothing 3 minutes before the start. Give them to a PPYRC parent, coach, or teammate. If no one is there, make sure that all of your teammates place their sweats in a big pile, away from other teams.
- During the race:
- Remember what you learned at practice
- Remember how hard you have worked
- Be competitive, run YOUR race from the start to the finish.
- Listen to the instructions of your coaches.
- Be aggressive and race everyone around you.
- Try your hardest and you will do your best! Remember how proud your coaches and parents are that you are racing.
- Think about your form and breathing and do it right.
- Finish with 100% effort.
- After the race:
- Stay off the course or track
- Cheer on all of your teammates until the race is completely over.
- Put your sweats back on, immediately.
- Make sure that you pick up all of your stuff.
- Get your teammates together and return to our team spot.
- Give your parents, teammates, and coaches high fives.
- Be proud of your race.
- Drink a few sips of water.
- Follow all cool down instructions. If you didn’t hear any, ask.
- If you are running another event, have a snack.
- Make sure you know what time your next event is or when the meet ends.
Always leave with your parents, teammates, or a coach.